Famous Stained Glass Restorations

September 19, 2017 in Church Stained Glass Restoration

Why Does Stained Glass Need Restoration?

As time ticks on, stained glass that has lasted throughout the years is becoming a more and more valuable commodity. Although hardly a fragile medium, with all the trials that beset locations which house stained glass, especially churches and cathedrals, stained glass that is over 100 years old, and still preservable, is a cherished thing. At Church Stained Glass Restoration, we fully understand the this, which is why we love our job restoring antique stained glass so much. As a part of paying homage to the beautiful stained glass that has stood the test of time and lived to be restored to its former glory, we would like to highlight a brilliant church stained glass restoration at St. Peter’s Church in The Archdiocese of San Francisco, CA.

A Stained Glass Restoration Highlighted:   St. Peter’s Church in The Archdiocese of San Francisco, CA

St. Peter’s church, as were, was one of only 5 churches to survive the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the ensuing fire. However, the church tragically burned from a fire started by an unsupervised devotional candle years later in 1997. As part of the stained glass restoration, a local stained glass studio brilliantly replicated 38 of the 46 stained glass windows that were destroyed or damaged by the fire and also crafty new mahogany window frames, with hand carved tracery, for all 46 of the breathtaking stained glass windows. They also fabricated and installed a vented, tempered laminated glass protective covering system, designed especially for St. Peter’s stained glass windows.

Church Restoration Experts

This type of stained glass restoration is similar to the type of restoration we do here at Church Stained Glass Restoration. We take the time to painstakingly repair and restore stained glass as close to its original state as possible, thereby preserving our country’s cherished church culture. If you have a stained glass window you would like restored to something as grand as its bygone days, contact Church Stained Glass Restoration today!

Del Rio Church Stained Glass Restoration

August 26, 2017 in Church Stained Glass Restoration, Featured Project

del rio church stained glass restoration

Because stained glass can last literally hundreds of years, most stained glass windows have to be restored at least once in their lifetime. The deterioration of stained glass is a completely natural and normal process, though there are certain factors which can lead to its acceleration. Problems with the leading and actual construction of the panels can cause stained glass windows to sag, bow, crack, and lose their beautiful color and appearance. This, unfortunately, was the case for the First United Methodist Church in Del Rio, Texas.
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