What Is Scottish Stained Glass?

July 5, 2018 in Church And Religious Stained Glass

While stained glass can be found all over the world, perhaps the most notable examples reside in Europe, in the countries of France, Italy, Germany, and the UK. In the United Kingdom, stained glass grew greatly in prominence due to the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, a famous stained glass artisan who designed stained glass windows for architectural projects in Glasgow, Scotland, one of which was the Glasgow School of Art. For this reason, Glasgow is largely considered to be one of the stained glass capitals of the world, and its manufacture is still practiced there today.

Glasgow also happens to be the hometown of our owner Martin Faith. Hence, the name Scottish Stained Glass seemed an appropriate choice to Martin when he moved to the United States to start his own stained glass company. It is true that “Scottish Stained Glass” is a reference to the origins of the techniques that we use in production for glassmaking. These methods were passed down through the generations of Martin’s Scottish family. However, it’s also a reference to our work and the specific processes that we use to create what we believe are the world’s finest stained glass windows.

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Creating Beautiful Stained Glass Designs for Churches and Religious Buildings

July 3, 2018 in Aggrigate, Church And Religious Stained Glass

Stained glass has always played a powerful, important role in every house of worship regardless of denomination. Throughout history, churches have utilized stained glass to convey meaningful imagery for their congregations. This is still true today– many members of every congregation treasure the stained glass features in their churches and have their own personalized perceptions of what each panel means to them. Church Stained Glass Restoration specializes in beautiful custom stained glass designed for churches and other religious buildings.

Benefits of Custom Religious Stained Glass for Your Church or Religious Building

Stained glass has always seemed to be an integral part of any church– many believe the two go hand-in-hand. Investing in custom religious stained glass for your religious building can really influence your congregation with symbolic inspiration. Stained glass can be such a vital part of the worship process providing powerful messages to your followers. These highly customizable windows and panels and feature virtually anything you’d like from sacred scripture to hand painted portraits. Religious stained glass can also serve as a privacy solution so that all undesired views are blocked from the outside in. This gives your staff and congregation privacy so they can focus on their worship process.

Custom Religious Stained Glass Design Process for Churches and Religious Buildings

Church Stained Glass Restoration provides free in-church consultations across the nation. We have completed various custom religious stained glass projects and are happy to share our portfolio for any inspiration you may need. One of our local stained glass artisans is happy to sit down with you to discuss your ideas as well as hand draw them out. We ensure that you review your design at least 8-10 times prior to custom building them.

For more information regarding custom religious stained glass for your church or religious building, please contact us or call: (720) 835-2165

Beautiful Ways Stained Glass Enhances Synagogues

June 13, 2018 in Aggrigate, Church And Religious Stained Glass

The History Of Stained Glass In Synagogues

When you think about stained glass, one of the first things that come to mind is definitely churches and usually Catholic ones at that. That makes sense because of the stained glass windows in the world a large proportion of them adorn the windows of Catholic cathedrals large and small. But, what you may not think about or even realize is, stained glass windows play a part in many types of religious iconography–Judaism notwithstanding. That’s right, stained glass on synagogues is not even a rare occurrence. The Jewish people have used stained glass windows to pay homage to religious stories for hundreds of years and some synagogues even have famous stained glass windows completed by master artisans.

Breathtaking Stained Glass For Synagogues

Since Judaism and Catholicism have some significant historical and ideological differences, a lot of the stained glass iconography for temples and synagogues varies widely from what you would see in a Catholic church. However, the patterns, figures, and colors are just as beautiful, made more so by the uniqueness of the Jewish influenced designs. Beautiful, colorful plants and animals often adorn Synagogue stained glass windows as well as the very common six-pointed star that is a hallmark to the Jewish religion. Not unlike catholic church stained glass windows, portrayals of old testament stories are common and stunning, as too are depictions of angels. When it comes down to it, stained glass is a stunning and captivating way to tell a story, especially one of deep faith, making it a perfectly lovely addition to any church, temple, synagogue or mosque.

Watch the video below to learn more about stained glass:

Beautiful Ways Stained Glass Can Enhance Synagogues

Stained Glass Experts For Synagogues

Here at Church Stained Glass Restoration, we have done a number of stained glass windows across a variety of faiths and would love to work with you on something special for your religious institution, Jewish, Catholic or otherwise. We respect all faiths and find stained glass art to be a tie that binds. If you would like to learn more about stained glass for your synagogue and the explore some of the incredible ancient patterns of the holy land or some from right here in the US, contact us Church Stained Glass Restoration for a consultation and let us design an ethereal masterpiece to brighten your synagogue!